Simple Sourdough Pizza Dough

If you need a sourdough starter, grab one while you’re here:

This is a recipe that is both delicious and forgiving. I’ve done it a bunch of different ways using active starter, discard, allowed it to ferment overnight and then to the fridge, made it an hour before I needed it, froze it, made it the morning of, you name it. It’s versatile and easy peasy.

I do tend to make it at least the morning of pizza day, which is Sunday night in our household. So every Sunday morning, I’m up mixing up my dough quick. This comes together easily and with minimal effort, so don’t worry.

Letting it ferment at least 8-12 hours gives you a softer, fluffier dough with the sourdough tang. Making it right before you need it lends to a crisper, chewier crust. So go with what you like. For me? I like bread. I like it all :D

Enjoy this recipe friends!


Fresh Ground Spelt Pizza Dough


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