Let’s can Hummus-in-a-Jar!

I recently picked up a container of hummus at the grocery store because we haven’t had it in years and it sounded good with some pretzels. I about croaked over the price! For a 10 ounce container it was $4.79!

Of course, this had my brain going. It HAS to be cheaper for me to make it. As a crazy canner, I’m not buying already canned garbanzo beans, nosireebob! I went to my favorite little bulk store that I buy big bags of flour and thankfully they carried dry garbanzo beans at a little under $1 per pound, so I grabbed 2 pounds and off I ran.

After some research in different canning groups on facebook plus some food blog recipes on pinterest, I landed here. This recipe is delicious as is, but after trying it my mind is already going on how to make it even better. We love roasted red pepper hummus, so I think I will be adding those next with maybe some smoked paprika or everything bagel seasoning. I will likely add a touch more lemon juice or lemon zest to make it a touch more tart as well.

This hummus is super easy. I simmer the beans that have been soaked overnight prior to canning so I don’t have to simmer them once they’re out of the jar to make it a genuinely dump, blend, and eat hummus! Add a little extra olive oil as you blend it if needed to make it silky smooth.

This recipe for me worked out to $0.73 per 10 ounces of hummus!!!!!!!!! Talk about a money saver! I am overjoyed to have figured out this recipe and soooo excited to share it with you all. I hope you love it as much as I do now. Please, if you make changes or have new ideas, share!! I’d love to hear.

This is a pressure canning recipe and the ingredients in the printable below are split between 6 pint jars. If you have any leftover garbanzo beans, you can jar them and can them plain with salt or just make up another pint of hummus. Whatever works best for you!


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