Let’s can garlic butter!

Canning butter??!?!?!?!? of course! I canned plain ole butter a few years ago and I’ve really not reached for it on the shelf so I haven’t canned it since. Recently, I was making some garlic butter for a recipe when I thought to myself, hey dummy, can garlic butter! I’ll definitely use that.

Personally, I think knowing how to preserve butter is a nice skill to have, even if you don’t use it. I have the knowledge and ability to preserve butter should my freezer fail or we lose power so I don’t have a catastrophic loss, especially when it’s homemade butter.

For garlic butter, this recipe is per pound of butter. In my recent reel I posted on the Facebooks and the Instantgrams, I used 3 pounds total and it make 8 jelly jars (8oz) total. Simply melt the butter, herbs, garlic, and seasonings together, pour into jars, and pressure can for meat times. If you research this, you will see there’s a lot of different methods to preserve butter in jars and this is the one I’ve chosen and am comfortable with! By all means, please do your own independent research and find what works for you because this is rebel canning after all!

Since this butter is shelf stable, you will have room temp, SOFT butter at your fingertips. Slather on a loaf of french bread and bake til toasty or put on some focaccia before baking for a super crisp and buttery bread. Or dip your homemade pizza in it. Or top steaks with it while your searing or as they rest! Anything that is good with garlic butter on it! You can also add your own herbs to taste. Make it your own and something you and your family will love.

I think next year when I harvest my garlic, I may try to can some butter with whole garlic cloves and see if it will turn into a spreadable confit like when you simmer it in olive oil. (If you’ve never had this you’re missing out.) I might try it sooner if I can get my hands on some good quality garlic :P

Rebel on, friends!


Let’s can caramel apple topping!


Can (a very nontraditional) alfredo sauce with me!