Let’s can apple pie filling!

My favorite recipe is from Canning Apple Pie Filling (practicalselfreliance.com) and I follow it almost exactly. It’s absolutely delicious!

Plan on about 6 pounds of apples per recipe, maybe a little more. I use my little Johnny Apple Peeler that I will link below that I LOVE and it makes quick work of peeling apples. We used to peel everything by hand growing up :D

The only changes I made to her recipe was a little extra cinnamon, vanilla extract, and the addition of vanilla sugar instead of plain white sugar. Vanilla is HEAVENLY with apples. Vanilla sugar is just vanilla beans that have been used for vanilla extract dried out and then placed into white sugar to infuse. I have a big bucket going at all times. It’s wonderful for baking!

I typed up the recipe for you with my changes plus the different cooking method I use that is a one pot method. Be sure to check out the original recipe as well to see what works for you! Apple pie filling is not considered rebel canning and is an approved method and recipe as long as you use Clear Jel, an approved thickener for canning. I get rebellious with my refusal to buy Clear Jel when I can get something similar for 1/4 the price. That’s for my kitchen and my family, and it doesn’t have to be for yours. By all means, use Clear Jel! Or do some research and see just exactly why Clear Jel is even recommended.

Happy canning, friends!


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