Canning Zapple Pie Filling

I’ve had a good zucchini season this year. I’m not inundated enough yet that I feel I need to share with my grouchy neighbors, but I have enough that I’m looking for ways to use them up. A follower on Facebook had commented on my apple pie filling recipe saying I NEEDED to try zapple pie filling if I get the chance. Well, I got the chance. A chance in the form of two toddler sized zucchinis I picked last night. I had just picked a day ago and must have missed them, cause these babies tipped the scales at just over 6 pounds each!

For this recipe, I used half apples and half zucchini. You could use all zucchini if you’d like. I just conveniently had nabbed a ginormous box of them off of flashfood a couple days ago and was planning on pie filling anyway. So, I modified my apple pie filling recipe every so slightly to accommodate adding half zucchini.

This spices and sugar levels in this recipe are entirely up to you. If you like it super sweet, add more. If you want it tart, add less. Please taste as you go and make sure it delights YOUR tastebuds. My sugar measurements aren’t exact as I got a little lazy toward the end of making this and just started throwing things at the pot while tasting. I swear, by cooking this way, your food is the most delicious.

Use this pie filling to make pie, crisp, cobbler, ice cream topping, on pancakes/waffles, etc.

Happy canning!


Small Batch Spagetti Meat Sauce


Canning Mock Zucchini Pineapple